Melamed Family History
The history of the MELAMED family descendants
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How I got hooked on genealogy . . . while attempting to solve a family mystery
Brick Walls and how to break them
Baron Hirsch Program: Biographical Information
Baron Hirsch Program: Argentina Immigration
Debarred Passengers: What happened to them?
Departing Europe From Liverpool England (Port of Hull)
Eastern Europe Emigration Process
DUMA Voter List and FAQ
Galveston Texas Jewish Immigration
History of the Russian Air Force circa 1912
Many of our ancestors lived in Bessarabia which includes Roumania and Moldova.
Russian Draft Documents and History
Russian Internal Passports
Russian Jewish Draft: A Short History
Steerage Conditions
Pale Of Settlement
Family Stories
Harry Shankman and WWI (World War One)
Stories: Benjamin ALBERT Family
Stories: Morris CHARGO Family
The Accent Was On Humor: A Morris CHARGO family history article
Stories: Hyman Chargo’s arrest, conviction, and incarceration for violation of the Volstead Act – Bootlegging
Stories: How two of our Melamed and Scharogrodsky relatives escaped from Russia after deserting from the Czar’s Army in 1914
Stories: Sime “Sophie” Chargo nee Gerschonowitz
Stories: Sol “Scholem Melamed” MILLER
Stories: GREENBERG Family
Stories: Ben Miller Family
Stories: Rhona SKOLNIK
Melamed Family History – Home Page
MELAMED Family Tree
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