It was an icy cold Saturday morning. Hermie
(Ben's son, Herman) called his father and said "Pa, I went for bagels
this morning and the sidewalk is very icy Don't go out" His
father replied, "I
was already out and it wasn't bad." Hermie said, "What are
you talking about, its terrible!" Ben replied, "When
you go for bagels its icy. When you go to Shul its dry!" Now THAT'S
Coming or going, Ben's greeting was always "Hello."
Don't know if this was his variation of 'Shalom,' or another reason, but
he never said 'Good-bye.' He said 'Hello' when he left, or when others
were leaving. |
I remember grandma having live turkeys in the basement (1023 N. Harding, Chicago) when I was about 8 years old.
I also have fond memories as a child of going upstairs by myself to visit grandma, we lived on the first floor, and she would let me have coffee . . . poured into the saucer. It was bold and heavily sugared and milked. Quite a treat. . . . and, she would often pick-up a rye bread and carve a slice off and put on a heavy layer of cream cheese topped with a thick layer of concord grape preserves. To this day I relish having this whenever I can find true concord grape preserves. Ron Miller.