The Ruben "Sam" CHARGO family
Israel Ruben "Sam" CHARGO, the son of Max Shargorodsky, was
probably born 1865 in Berdychiv, Kiev, Russia. View maps showing the location of this area
In 1913 Sam (Srul Schargoroski), age 48, arrived in Galveston, TX from Bremen, Germany with his sons Ben (Beril) and Harry (Hersch). They probably came to Galveston as part of a program for getting Jews to America; read about the historical background of why Jews came to Galveston.
However, Sam was DEBARRED (Not Admitted) to the U.S. while his sons were admitted. It is not know why he was refused entry. Sam was sent back to Bremen, Germany, and from there he made his way to South America and eventually returned to America via Ellis Island in 1916. It is not known when Sam departed Galveston, TX
returning to Bremen, Germany. While in South America he was a member of the Baron
de Hirsch relocation program which was located at the small town of Carlos Caseras, near Buenous Aires, Argentina. Sam lived in Argentina for 3 more years before departing again for
America in 1916. His wife, Tillie, arrived in America in 1924.
Sam CHARGO arrived at Ellis Island, from Argentina, in 1916 at age 51.
His occupation on the ship manifest was listed as farm laborer. According to
the ship manifest he lived for more than a year in Carlos
Casares, (Read about this Jewish agriculture settlement in the Province of Buenos Aires,
Argentina), before joining his son Hyman CHARGO in St. Paul, Minnesota. Sam arrived permanently in America in 1916. Read an explanation from a US government historical office of how Ruben, and other debarred emigrants, eventually were able to arrive and stay in America. Ruben Chargo
was listed as a 'junk dealer own account' on the 1930 census.
Sam's wife Tillie, 'Tilia' age 60 on her manifest, arrived at Ellis Island from Russia January 1924 accompanied by Moise 'Morris' her teenage son. According to the ship manifest she was born c1864 in Lytyshy, Russia. Both Tillie and Morris were detained on arrival for a special inquiry and each spent several days in hospital before they were admitted. Moise
(Morris) was listed on the manifest with the occupation of mill worker. Morris later
told stories of life in Europe.
Morris sent his father a post card in 1923 from Europe when they were delayed by the 1921 Quota Law which severely restricted entry to America. Select this link to view their Ukrainian passport; stamps include one from Virbalis, Lithuania December of 1923 and one from Dover from near the same time.
The following information lists Shargorodsky's buried in the Buenos Aires Liniers cemetery. It is the first Jewish cemetery in the city, used during 1st half of the XX century.
On the tombstone of Michal Rimsky and Feige Scharagrodsky is Berdichev inscription. Berdichev is 90 miles from Kiev. These are possible relatives. And it is being assumed that Ruben was also born in Berdichev.
1. Moshe Scharagrodsky
........ 2. Gedalie Scharagrodsky b.1854 ¿Berdichev? d.1909 Carlos Casares m. Menie Jaritonsky
........ ........ 3. Feigue Scharagrodsky b.1878 ¿Berdichev? d.1952 Buenos Aires m.Mijail Rimsky
........ ........ 3. Berl Scharagrodsky b. ¿Berdichev? d.1961 Carlos Casares m.Ana Elbirt
........ ........ 3. Surke Scharagrodsky b. ¿Berdichev? d.Argentina m.Polak
........ ........ 3. Tzetze Scharagrodsky b.¿Berdichev? d.Argentina m.Aaron Nisenson.
Another probable relative from Argentina, Berta Silvia Schargrosky, believes that her great-great grandfather moved to America. Her father was Samuel Schargrodsky and mother was Rosa Flomembaum. Her father lived in Carlos Casares a town of Buenos Aires where Sam lived when he was in Argentina. Berta's grandfather was Jacobo Schargrodsky, and her grandmother was Esther
Morris CHARGO (Shargorodsky) said one of his sisters had eye problems and was prevented from entering the country due to glaucoma. The other sister stayed with her so that she would not be alone. Morris corresponded with his sisters until the war; after the Nazis invaded Russia they were never heard from again. Morris' and Tillie's 1924 manifest has a notation that the sisters were their nearest relatives living abroad (Kiev, Russia). Sisters Freda and Rose probably never left Europe; they perished during the Holocaust by the Nazi's at the Babi Yar extermination near Kiev in 1941.
Sam & Tillie had six children living in America.
THE CHARGO Family Children
Hyman CHARGO (Chiam Lieb SCHARGORODSKY) 1893 - 1964 - Arrived 1914, Port of Quebec, Canada; Manifest age 25. 1930 census occupation: Cattle dealer, own account. married Nina RICE. Hyman arrived, accompanied by his cousin Ben MILLER (Berel MELAMED). They arrived on one of the last ships to leave Europe as WWI began. Hyman CHARGO, born Chaim Leib SCHARGORODSKY, arrived in America at age 25 in 1914 accompanied by his brother-in-law Ben Miller (Berl MELAMED).
Chaim was in the Czar's army according to this post card he sent his parents; it's not known if Ben was in the same army unit.
Cousin Herman Miller remembers Hyman was a bootlegger during prohibition. He had his neighbors set-up stills in their attics. He collected the booze, drove from St. Paul to Chicago and parked his car around Taylor Street (old Maxwell street area, now Univ of IL campus). He left the car with the booze and took a streetcar to Ben & Lena Miller's house (Herman's parents), 1023 N. Harding. The next day Hyman returned to his now empty car and drove back to St. Paul, Minnesota. The story Herman Miller remembers is that In Minnesota, someone noticed all the steam coming from his neighbors attics and turned them in. Hyman Chargo was arrested, convicted, and incarcerated for violation of the Volstead Act - Bootlegging - documents copied from the original that are stored in the National Archives, Kansas City, Missouri, tell the story. SELECT THIS LINK to view the story details and documents. (Will open in a new browser window or tab)
Their children are listed below. |
Son |
Melvin 1917 - 1983 |
Son |
Samuel 1919 - 1986 |
Son |
Sylvan 1925 - 1944
Sylvan enlisted in the Army August 20, 1943 at Fort Snelling, MN. His enlistment record indicated he was single, with one year of college and skilled occupation in fabrication of textile products. Historical records located at Camp Fannin, TX record the following: CHARGO, Sylvan, PFC, serial number 37575756.; Dates and unit at Camp Fannin, TX: Fall-Winter 1943-1944, B/55/11.; Date and place of death: 7/15/1944, Normandy, France.; Unit at time of death: Company M, APO 15186.; Circumstances: Three men in a machine gun platoon were on patrol at night. Their assignment was to wipe out an enemy machine gun nest. As the three approached the enemy in the dark with hand grenades as their weapons, two machine guns opened fire and Sylvan was the only one directly in their path. One of the other men was wounded, the third one unscratched.; Burial: La Cambe, Normandy, then St. Paul MN, West Side Hebrew Cemetery. Army record information
 Website reference: |
Son |
Harold 1927 - 2008 |
Ben CHARGO (Beril SHARGORODSKY) 1894 - 1956 - Arrived 1913, Port of Galveston, TX age 20 per manifest. 1914 age 24, per 1920 census and occupation: Presser, Wholsale Fur Co. 1930 census occupation: Junk Peddler. married Annie TANKINOFF who was born in Minnesota per 1930 census, but referenced in the Minnesota Naturalization records. Their children are listed below. |
Daughter |
Jeanne |
Daughter |
Adeline 1920 - 1974 |
Daughter |
Betty |
Lena CHARGO (Chaja SHARGORODSKY) 1888 - 1968 - Arrived 1920, New York, Ellis Island; Manifest age 33; occupation: wife. married Benjamin MILLER. |
Son |
Bernard 1921-1953 |
Son |
Julius |
Son |
Herman |
Morris CHARGO (Moise SHARGORODSKY) 1908 - 1982 -Arrived 1924, New York, Ellis Island;
Manifest age 15, occupation: Millworker.1930 census occupation: Junk Peddler, own account. married Sophie GERSHENOVIZ who arrived 1913 via Canada. Read a story about Sophie and view her ship manifest. The story was written by her great granddaughter. Their children are listed below. |
Son |
Edward |
Son |
Harvey |
Daughter |
Joan |
Ester (Esther SHARAGRODSKY) CHARGO. b 1907 - - Arrived 1924, New York, Ellis Island; Manifest age 17, occupation: Domestic.1930 census occupation: Dressmaker, Factory. Their children are listed below. |
Harry CHARGO (Hersch Schargorodsky). 1895 - c1996 - Arrived 1913 Port of Galveston, TX age 16 per manifest. |
Freda CHARGO. - Entry denied (Tillie & Morris' 1924 manifest notes that the sisters were residing in Kiev).
Rose CHARGO. - -Entry denied (Tillie & Morris' 1924 manifest notes that the sisters were residing in Kiev). |