Historical Family Documents
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Family documents help us to understand the immigrant experience. Ship manifests, Naturalization forms, Census Forms, Birth and Death records, Marriage Licenses, Passports, Obituaries, Newspaper articles, Historical Books (e.g. Wartime records and accounts), Social Security forms, Divorce records, and Family Oral Histories . . . and many more sources and documents help construct our family's heritage.
Displayed below are some of these documents that not only are part of our specific family histories, but often help us construct missing portions of family history.
Have any family historical documents you wish to share? Email them to Ron Miller millron@iit.edu
Russian Internal Passport
Louis TUROW was issued a Russian Internal Passport in 1913 which he used to leave Russia.
His passport image will take you to the Louis TUROW family page which contains related information and translation. |
Lena Miller's (MELAMED) Polish Passport page 1 of 2
The French says
Passport for Melamed, Chaya Leja
Profession is left blank.
Nationality Jewish.
Lena Miller's (MELAMED) Polish Passport page 2 of 2
Date of birth: 1888
Height: medium
Face: oval
Hair: Chestnut
Eyes: Grey
Mouth: Normal
Nose: Normal
Going from: Warsaw
To: America
This passport is good until February 4, 1921
Russian Draft Papers
Louis TUROW was drafted into the Russian militia. The draft related records he kept offer insight into what many of our relatives experienced while in Russia.
His draft record image will take you to the Louis TUROW family page which contains related information and translation. |
The DUMA VOTERS LIST 1906 records are the registration lists of those eligible to vote for indirect
representatives to the last constitutional body in Russia before the fall of
the old regime in 1917, the Duma. The Registration records are from the first
decade of the 20th century (i.e. 1900 to 1910). The records are called
the Duma voting list records. The image will take you to more information. |
Postcard Russian Miliary Draft. Chiam Lieb Shargorodsky (Hyman Louis Chargo), one of Lena Miller's (nee Shargorodsky) brothers sent from Russia to his parents, Sam & Tillie Chargo. Chiam Lieb arrived in America in 1914 with his brother-in-law Ben Miller (Beryl Melamed). They both were in the Czar's army. The image will take you to a translation of the card. |
Article: History of Russian Draft
Berel Melamed (Benjamin Miller) was drafted into the Czar’s army around
the turn of the 20th century, serving in the band. He deserted
the army. Perhaps he deserted shortly before getting married in Kiev in April
1913, and departing Europe for America in July 1914 - at the beginning of WWI.
Ben never spoke of his military service except to say he saw his first airplane.
He did not have fond memories of his family; perhaps this had
something in part to do with his being drafted. His family was well off and
this article leads one to the potential conclusion that he might have been the
family ‘donation’ to the draft calls. The image will take you to an article about the Russian draft process and history. |
Marriage License 1893 Philadelphia
Marriage License issued 1893 Philadelphia |
Marriage Certificate 1913 Russia
Ben Married Lena in 1913 in or near Kiev, Russia. Ben left for America in 1914; Lena joined him in 1920. This marriage certificate is a copy of the original. |
Social Security Form 5
This form often contains parental information. This is Ben Miller's form which was issued in 1936 shorty after the Social Security System was enacted. |