The Abraham MILLER (MELAMED) family
Abraham Miller Family 1917 Family Photo
Abraham MILLER, born Abraham MELAMED in Mayzr (Mozyr), Minsk, Russia (1866). He lived in Kiev with his wife, Miriam (Mary) nee KARPMAN (1867), and their children who were also born in Mayzr (Mozyr), Minsk, in Ukraine, Russia. See the KARPMAN Family page for more information. His father was Borukh Gadalev MELAMED. Abraham and part of his family arrived in America, via Canada, in 1912. The 1920 census listed Abraham’s occupation as mechanic at coppershop. His son, Louis, was a coppersmith and Abraham most likely worked with him. Abraham was accompanied by his wife and their youngest 2 children, Sol age 15, and Pearl age 10. Abraham and Miriam’s other children had emigrated to America before them. Their oldest child, Tyble, married Morris (Moishe) BERMAN in Russia and had two children before emigrating. Tyble was the first of the 10 MELAMED (Miller) children who emigrated to America. In 1908 Chane Sosie MELAMED, occupation tailoress, age 15 arrived via Canada to join her sister Tillie at her husband’s family, the Berman’s, in Chicago.
 Photo: Miriam (Mary) and Abraham

View Abraham’s Naturalization Documents: Declaration of Intent and Petition
- Tyble “Tillie” Melamed – Arrived age 23, 1906 per manifest; manifest name: Taube Burman. married Morris BERMAN in Russia who arrived 1905, age 25 per 1910 census; occupation: Dry goods peddler. per 1930 census; occupation: Bakery Salesman. They had 2 children in America, Frieda & Ester.
- Anna MILLER “Chane Sosie Melamed” – Arrived Arrived September, 1908 at the Port of Quebec, Canada; age 15 per manifest; occupation: Tailoress. Married Morris BRODSKY 1915 in Chicago. The 1920 census listed Morris’ occupation as supervisor at Western Electric Company. They had 3 children, Harold, Molly, and Evelyn. Anna died in 1985; Morris in 1966.

- Louis “Leizar Melamed” MILLER – Arrived 1910 Port of Quebec, Canada; age 22 per manifest; occupation: Coppersmith. per 1920 census; occupation: Coppersmith at jewlery store. 1930 occupation: Plumber. married Eva GOLUB (b. 1891 Russia) who arrived 1911 age 20 per 1920 census. They had 3 children: Hugh (Hyman), Harold, and Henrietta.
- Morris MILLARD – Arrived 1911 age 25 per 1930 census; occupation: Silversmith Shop. He married Dora GOODMAN who arrived 1912 age 25 per 1930 census. The census forms (1920 & 1930) list the family name as MILLER. It is not known when or why he changed to MILLARD.They had three children: Max, Irwin (Isadore), and Harold.
- Max MILLARD. Max married Annette GOLDBERG and they had one child. Max worked with Louis TUROW at the Alt-Silver Plate Mft, 417 State St, Chicago during WWII era. In the 1960’s Max was in California where as ‘Mambo Maxi’, as he was called during this era, he owned a Jazz night club in South Central LA located across the street from the LA Memorial Coliseum called the California Club that was known as a Latin music venue. “Mambo Maxi” was mentioned in the AZTLAN journal VOL 30, Number Two, Fall 2005, page 72, in an article about Latin Music in South Central LA.

- Molly “Malka Melamed” MILLER – Arrived 1911 Port of Quebec, Canada; age 22 on manifest; occupation: Tailoress. married Max SNYDER. They had 4 children: Freida, Joe, Fern, and Enid.
- Sam “Schmuel Melamed” MILLARD Arrived 1911 Port of Quebec, Canada; Manifest age 16, occupation: Tailor. 1930 census occupation: Radio industry. married Anna who arrived 1915, age 14 per 1930 census. They had 3 children: Morton (Mordy), Eugene, and Rochelle.
- Minnie “Mindel Melamed” MILLER – Arrived 1911 Port of Quebec, Canada; Manifest age 18, occupation: Tailoress. married Abe HAMMERMAN, born c1895; his parents from Wolinski, Poland, who arrived 1911 per 1920 census; occupation: beltmaker at belt factory. 1930 occupation: Retail Merchant. They had 2 children: Elaine and Morris. View the extended Hammerman family tree and other documents.
- Sol “Scholem Melamed” MILLER – Arrived 1912 Port of Quebec, Canada; Manifest age 15, occupation: cap maker. married Ida who was born in New York per 1930 census. He owned a number of haberdashery stores in Chicago. Sol arrived in America at age 15 with his occupation listed as cap maker. He used his trade well, eventually opening about 7 Haberdashery (Hat and Tie) stores in Chicago until selling them about 1942-3. Ida, was a woman before her time. Her daughter Gloria would say that she could quickly calculate figures, and “wheel and deal” with the vendors that they used for their haberdashery (hats) store. Unfortunately, the men did not want to deal with a woman, so when she talked to the Vendors, she would say that the owner was not in at that time, and that they would have to wait for an answer…. then when she talked to them again, she would give them her answer. She never let on that she ran the business while Sol ran the production side. 1930 census occupation: Manufacturer hat maker. He and Ida had 3 children: Mignon (Migs), Fern (Bubbles), and Gloria.

View Sol Miller’s Declaration of Intent and Petition, including his name change from Shulem to Sol.
- Pearl “Perl Melamed” MILLER- Arrived 1912 Port of Quebec, Canada; age 10 on manifest. married Joe ROSENFELDS. They had 3 children: Barney, Matilda (Kitty), and Morris (Lu Fields).
- Clara “Chaje Feiga” MELAMED – Arrived 1916 age 26 per 1930 census. married Louis TUROW in Russia who arrived 1915 age 25 per 1930 census; occupation: Soda fountain maker. They had 3 children: Ester, Lottie, and Harold. (View Louis TUROVSKY’s internal Russian Passport with translation).
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