Shaina KARPMAN is Benjamin MILLER (MELAMED) mother. Ben’s cousin Abraham MELAMED (MILLER) was married to Miriam ‘Mary’ KARPMAN and Miriam’s father’s name was Morris (Srol Moshe) KARPMAN. I’ve never been able to find anything else about the KARPMAN branch of the family . . . until November 2017, thanks to DNA.
Our KARPMAN Most Recent Common Ancestor – Known as a MRCA in DNA genealogy jargon – are David and Igor GOLDMAN; David is my 4th Cousin Once Removed: 4C1R. The GOLDMAN’s ancestor is Rivka KARPMAN: Shaina and Rivka KARPMAN are sisters; Miriam is their cousin. Not positive at this time where Esther KARPMAN fits on the tree. Probably also a close cousin but until we can get more DNA it’s currently a mystery.
Documented MELAMED (MILLER) – KARPMAN data
Ben MILLER’s father, Bernard Baruch Mordechi MELAMED, was married to Shaina KARPMAN based on Ben’s Social Security Form 5 application for benefits. Ben’s grandmother was also a KARPMAN named Esther. Ben’s cousin Abraham MILLER had his parents names on his death certificate: Father Gedalia MELAMED and Mother Esther KARPMAN, both born Mozyr, Russia. Abraham was married to Miriam ‘Mary’ KARPMAN and Miriam’s father’s name was Morris (Srol Moshe) KARPMAN. I have not yet been able to find Esther’s relationship to Shaina and Miriam.
Background on the family branch DNA connection:
On November 17th, 2017 I received an email inquiry about a DNA match between Herman MILLER and Igor GOLDMAN. Igor is the Uncle of David GOLDMAN.
That began an email correspondence for analyzing our relationships. By comparing DNA matches and analyzing how David’s GOLDMAN branch connected to our KARPMAN branch we were able to confirm that his Uncle Igor’s maternal branch connects our KARPMAN relatives: Igor’s grandmother Rivka is the sister of our Ben MILLER’s mother Shaina. That’s the KARPMAN-MELAMED family branch connection.
And this is how our KARPMAN tree with new relatives looks now. However, it is subject to our continued analysis as we know it needs tweaking based on more DNA and as yet undiscovered records. There are also more known extended names on these branches, but these are the ’top level’ new names.
DNA analyses verified the levels of relationships in addition to documents such as online family trees (MyHeritage, Ancestry, GEDCOM, and hand drawn); geographic locations of where ancestors were born, died and lived; birth records; death and cemetery records; immigration ship manifests; naturalization papers; census and voter lists from America and Europe that list family names; and family oral histories.
DNA match continues validation of the KARPMAN – MELAMED branch
My (Ron Miller) DNA matches a 5th cousin <42.8 cM Largest segment 20.4 cM). Our MRCA (Most Recent Common Ancestor) would be Zirol KARPMAN b1830, who is my 4X Great Uncle. (see tree below).
Our MRCA is Zirol KARPMAN, born Narovlia, Belarus, in 1830, is not only supported by our DNA match. We share the common geographic family birth and residence locations of MELAMED and KARPMAN in the towns of Narvolia, Mozyr, and Petrikov which support and validate the family connection. Other DNA matches have been found with KARPMAN and MELAMED ancestors. This match included the KARPMAN family with a family photo taken circa 1906-1907. Note: There are several spelling variations for each of the town names.
Communications with my 5th Cousin establishing our MCRA
The photo below is from my 5th cousin. It has the KARPMAN family circa 1906-1907. They lived in the same towns as my KARPMAN ancestors: Narovlia and Mozyr, both located in modern day Belarus. Our family connection is my 5th cousin’s Illya KARPMAN who is the son of Zirol KARPMAN (b1830). My 1C4R (1st cousin 4 times removed) Mariam KARPMAN (b1867) is Zirol KARPMAN’s daughter; she married my Great-Great Uncle Abram ‘Arum’ MELAMED (b1866).
My cousin identified the individuals in the photo: ‘In the middle is my great grandmother Polina should be 9 months old. The children are her siblings, the woman from the right are her mother (Sonya Karpman nee Fishman, and she was married to Elli (illya) Karpman (he is not in the picture because he was on a business trip); the woman on the top unknown (maybe Illia’s sister); and the older couple should be Elli’s (illya) Karpman parents (Which may be called Barukh or Morduk but that is only a though). My grandma told me that his grandfather Elli’s (illya) Karpman has a family business of furniture making from wood (wood carving) and he has a brother that was a director of a big company until 1917 (might be a glass factory but not sure), and that Elli he went to USA ~1905 for a while to make some business.’
Charts to visualize the connection: Illya KARPMAN – Zirol KARPMAN -Avrum MELAMED
Chart above links to PDF for larger view.
MILLER (MELAMED) DNA matches verify our MELAMED and KARPMAN relationships:
MELAMED descendant’s DNA Matches to Igor GOLDMAN (KARPMAN descendant)
The Belarus 1906 voters list transcription extract from their home town of Rechitsa.
Note: Men had to be age 28 to vote. These voter lists, and census lists called Revision Lists, where they exist often help verify family tree data.
Looking at extracts from the 1906 voter list below, the following lineages include the families MORDUKHOV and GERSHENOY, from Rechitsa. Source (registration required):
In the town of Khoiniki (lineage of Igor’s wife Mila KARPMAN:
1. Mordko (Mordukhov) son of Gershenoy; Mordko’s son Leiba
In the town of Narovlia (lineage of Abraham MELAMED’s wife Miriam ‘Mary’ KARPMAN):
1. Mordko’s sons Srol and Froim
2. Boruch son of Srol. Leib son of Srol. Srol son of Leib.
These are some family oral history and comments that added to the mix:
– David GOLDMAN comments: About two years ago, when my son . . . started asking questions about my family that I couldn’t answer. I always thought I had a small family, so I thought this would be a nice little project… but after I found and spoke with some relatives who were born in 1920s and 1930s it snowballed VERY quickly. No end in sight for this little project just yet.
Igor’s been telling me that when he was a kid, he remembers a relative stopping by. However, Igor doesn’t remember how he was related, except that it was through his grandmother’s mother Rivka Karpman. So, Shaina and Rivka were sisters to each other, but cousins to Boruch and Miriam.
– A tragic and sad note concerning Boruch KARPMAN: Baruch Karpman, born 1859 in Narovlia. Was a Rabbi. At the beginning of WWII lived in Rechitsa. In December 1941 he poured gasoline on himself and set himself on fire rather than submit to Nazis.
Some of Millers were originally from Mozyr area. The area of the modern south-eastern Belarus – Mozyr to Bragin is exactly where my Milyavsky line is from.
More analysis from David Goldman: ‘My Uncle Igor Goldman’s third cousin is not as close a match to Herman. That means that there is only one path how this match can work from our side. My uncle’s mother was Gitl Glukhovsky. Her mother was Brucha Milyavsky. Her father was Israel Milyavsky. I do not know the surname of Brucha’s mother. Because of that and because DNA clearly shows a “second cousin once removed” relationship, our side the link is through her. If we go back one more generation, DNA numbers would be completely different.
On the Miller side there is no X-DNA match between Igor and Herman. Since on our side there were two generations of women that do inherit X-DNA, the only explanation is that on your side the link goes through Herman’s father Benjamin. That’s the only combination that would’ve prevented X-DNA match from appearing. That, in turn, means that there are only two combinations of how the entire thing can play out: Either Benjamin’s father Boruch Melamed had a sister that married Israel Milyavsky, or his mother Shaina Karpman had a sister like that. Here’s another interesting detail: Our Milyavsky family knew Karpmans from the region.
What’s interesting is that while Abraham was from Mozyr, his wife Miriam ‘Mary’ KARPMAN was from a town called Naroulia in Belarus. Naroville is Narovlia (Naroulia, Narowlya), just SE of Mozyr – but far enough to be in Rechitsa Uezd (region), not Mozyr Uezd, unfortunately. It’s about 20 miles SE of Mozyr. Unfortunately it’s sufficiently far from Mozyr to fall into Rechitsa/Bragin administrative district :( Shaina may or may not have been from the same town, people did move around back then. As a side note, Naroville is located right on the edge of the Belarus radioactive exclusion zone and has barely avoided being wiped off the map of the earth in 1986 Chernobyl nuclear disaster.’