Translations from Russian:
Draft related papers of Louis TUROW
Toviya-Leyzer Abramovich Aitmanov Turovsky
Draft paper #1272, page 1 of 3, Dated 1906.

The seal says “For the Tsar’ and Fatherland”
At the upper left it says “of draft age” (perhaps a word missed)
of appearance to fulfill military obligation
No 1272
(cannot serve as a residence permit)
Minsk Guberniya
?Rechitsky? Uyezd [~County]
[a few words Los’sky] Society
Toviya-Leyzer Abramovich Aitmanov
appeared for the 1906 draft
[spells out his draft card number at the end]
Draft paper #1272, page 2of 3, Dated 1906.

Says he was subject to duty in the first category [[I think that means 1-A]]
in the people’s militia until age 43, or 1 January 1929..
The 1907 date is 27 March.
Draft paper #1272, page 3 of 3, Dated 1906.

Service notations in militia service
Toviya-Leyzer Abramovich Aitmanov
[basically says he showed up on March 15th, 1907;
under “Rank or Status and Society” it has handwritten:
“Petty bourgeois”
This translation of the Russian Draft Rules, original Russian images below, are basically the regulations equivalent to our Selective Service regulations pertaining to those draft-eligible for the militia.
Louis was given these when he was drafted.
RULES for soldiers of the State First Category Militia (Articles 3,4,8,12,14-16, 34 approved by the Tsar on 15 April 1891,
the opinions of the State Council about reform of the State militia;
articles 24,100,163, and 372 of the military obligations regulations;
the instructions to account for soldiers and the instructions about
the procedure for assembling soldiers).1. Soldiers of the First Category of the State militia are
designated as militia units, to reinforce and replenish the standing army.2. In case of call up of the militia, the soldiers of that age [group]
who are draft-eligible in the allotment in each draft district are obligated
to appear at the military office of that district, Guberniya, or capital city in
which they permanently or temporarily reside.3. Draftees are given THREE DAYS to take care of their household
affairs, counting from the day the Tsar gave notice for the draft at this place.4. To transfer a soldier from one draft sector to another a notice
should be given on ordinary (NON-LETTERHEAD) paper: for the persons entered in the accounting registers, to the rural district board or the city directorate of the new sector chosen by them and the sector in which they were registered; for the remaining persons, the institutions controlling the
draft activities in one or the other sector.5. Soldiers are freed from service who hold state or senior
positions and also those in railroad management who posts are
designated in a special list attached to Article 24 of the Regulation
About Military Liability.6. Soldiers of those age [groups] and time periods who will be
subject to the draft if a draft announcement compels them to service
by levy to the artillery, technical institutions, and repair shops, or
state factories or in naval port repair shops ARE EXEMPT FROM
APPEARING AT ASSEMBLY POINTS for the draft and are counted,
for the required time, as being in active duty at those institutions, repair
shops, and factories in which they were located before the draft.
7. Soldiers are obligated to present valid certificates when getting married and when entering State or public service.
8. For failure to appear on time for active duty, soldiers are subject to legal responsibility. |
Original Russian Document, 8 short paragraphs. page 1 of 2

Original Russian Document, 8 short paragraphs. page 2 of 2 |
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